Accredited by

The American Heart Association (AHA), a national, non-profit, voluntary health agency funded by private contributions, is dedicated to the reduction of death and disability from cardiovascular diseases including heart diseases and stroke. Being part of the AHA for the last 16 years, Premier Cardiac Education is fully pledge and happy to announce our Authorized Training Center status and offering all American Heart Association courses via online or blended learning.

The American Red Cross (ARC), also known as The American National Red Cross, is a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness education in the United States. The organization offers services and development programs part of those services include First Aid, CPR, BLS, ALS and PALS courses. We, as an American Red Cross Authorized Training Provider offer those courses with flexible training via online and/or blended learning.

The Board of Registered Nursing protects and advocates for the health and safety of the public by ensuring the highest quality registered nurses in the state of California. As an approved Continuing Education Provider, whether American Heart Association or American Red Cross, Premier Cardiac Education will award students ACLS, PALS, EKG, IV/Phlebotomy, NRP units after the completion the course.

The Dental Board of California licenses and regulates over 100,000 licensees; consisting of dentists (DDS), registered dental assistants (RDA), and registered dental assistants in extended functions (RDAEF) and as an authorized Continuing Education Provider we at Premier Cardiac Education are happy to certify and recertify dental staff and award them with CEU’s.